Yoga + Meditation - Women’s Retreat

Honestly, we ALL need this. A FULL weekend to relax and recenter, to breathe deeply, do yoga, connect with nature alongside the Rio Grande River, sit under the stars, and to be warmed by the glow of a bonfire, meaningful connections, and inspiring conversations.

Quality of life is about balance, about doing for others but also making sure you’re doing enough for yourself. Our lives can be so fast paced and outwardly stimulating, constantly helping us to grow but also depleting some of the best parts of who we are. As the world changes and becomes more demanding, we have to carve out time and space to focus on creating and maintaining the person we want and need to be—we need to go inward.

If you think about the times in your life when you struggled the most, when your relationships were extra tough, when you were worried all the time—about money, your appearance, how messed up the world seemed, not getting enough sleep, your kids—those times are often accompanied by, and most times preceded by, feelings of self-doubt and lack of balance. It’s when you’re less sure of yourself that you become less sure of everything around you, and that’s when stress takes over.

This retreat is about empowerment and balance, comfort and confidence, and ultimately about you learning not only how to handle stress but also how to own it, channel it appropriately, and control it.

I will teach you how to get still, find that quiet space within so you learn how to listen to yourself, and how to develop the confidence to trust yourself as you navigate your complex life. I’ll teach the following basic techniques:

  • How to go within and listen to your inner wisdom: So you can use your wisdom to create your distinct vision of the world.

  • Meditation: learn how to develop new meditation practices or enhance your existing practices.

  • Connecting with your body: mind, body, and spirit. I’ll help you learn how to “get in tune” with your body through different kinds yoga practices, connecting with nature, and teach you how to connect with your heart/your spirit.

There are a lot of retreats that will tell you “it’s all about you,” that will promise you relaxation and a lot of lounging around, but this is different. True relaxation is not about ignoring the world for a few days (since you always know you’ll have to go back!), it’s about finding a true state of balance, inner stillness about reminding yourself who you really are and understanding that you are fully equipped to lead the life you were made to live.

This retreat is an invitation for you to be and express your true authentic self you know exists within you.

Women’s Retreat

When: June 2 - June 5

Where: UnU Retreat Center, Alongside the Rio Grane River, near Taos, New Mexico.


  • Yoga

  • Meditation along side the river

  • Personal Development

  • Hiking

  • Breath-work

  • Sound Healing

  • Ecstatic dance

  • AMAZING Food

  • and so much more!

Who is this for: Any woman looking for some serenity in their lives. If you are needing to disconnect to reconnect, recharge your batteries, get away from the grind, practice self-love, and connect with other amazing women, this ABSOLUTELY is for you! All-levels are welcome, and everybody gets a seat at this table!

There are only 8 spaces available, so availability will be first come first serve since this will sell out quick!

Choose from the following options:

  • Single occupancy $1050 king size bed, sitting area, kitchen area and bathroom.

  • Double occupancy $950 King size bed or $850 twin bed, shared big bathroom, living room, and big shared kitchen.

  • Triple occupancy $850, shared bathroom, shared living room, shared big bathroom, & shared big kitchen.

  • Single twin bedroom: $750, shared bathroom, shared kitchen.